Rabu, 26 Februari 2014

A Comment About Comments

I dont think Im out of line to speak on behalf of every single blogger of all time when I say, getting comments on my blog posts literally makes my life. It tells me that youre here and youre compelled to interact with me, probably in thanks to my never-ending supply of charm and self-involvement. Or for your own blog promotion. Look, I dont care what your motivation is, all I want to say is that I love it. 

However--and stay with me here--there are way too many of you to count who are pissing me straight off! 

Many of you will leave a comment with a question or a funny remark or just a great compliment about my beauty, to which Id love to respond back, but I cant. Why not? Because youre not leaving an email for me to do so. And it just killsssssssssssssssssssss me!!

Sure, I might have a link to your blog in the comment, and I might even visit your blog (which I do quite often), but Im probably definitely not gonna seek out your email from there to write you back. I got stuff to do! Instead, I hit "reply" to the email your comment comes to me as and am either able to write you back directly or am met with some no-reply Blogger email that will be sent into a great abyss, never to be seen or heard from again, like Lindsay Lohans career.

Im not suggesting you put your email address in the comment itself (what are you, a n00b?). Its an easy fix, really. If you have a Blogger or Google account, all you have to do is include your email account on your profile page. Not sure if youve done this? Just check out your blogger profile and see if it says "Email" underneath your picture, like so:
If not, then update it. No, really, it IS that simple!

I swear, if you start doing this, I will write you back so hard. It will totally be worth it. Think of it as your own custom blog post. Whats NOT to love, am I right? 

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