Sabtu, 22 Februari 2014

Holy Mackerel We Have Planted Peas

No, really. We planted peas. Hard to believe - last year at this time it was going to be another 2 weeks before we could fight our way through the snow to check the hoop-houses. But it is warm (17°C today and it was even warmer on Saturday) and it is dry (somewhat alarmingly so) for mid-March.

Getting the trellis up took us 2 days (2 part days, really). Frames, bracing, strings to cut and tie - its a long somewhat fiddly job before you even get to the actual planting. Look at that side-brace: warped much?

Strings were tied on to the top braces before being screwed in place - much easier that way.

Then the bottom braces are screwed in place, and the strings tied around them. This is to prevent the all-to-common effect weve had the last few years, of the well-grown peas catching the wind and billowing and creaking like a tea-clipper in full sail.

And finally, the planted peas. Two double rows on each side of the string-covered braces. Theres Mrs. Vans, Spanish Skyscraper and Tall Telephone down the middle, with Dual, Harrisons Glory and Tom Thumb on either side. You cant see them; theyre not up yet. Cant think whats taking them so long.

Okay, gotta go - off to plant some more peas.

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